
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2020

The Call of the Mountains

Today I want to tell you a little bit about the topic I've got really obsessed with recently. You probably already know that I love wandering in the mountains because I talked about it in one of my previous posts. Up until now I was totally satisfied with our beautiful Polish Tatras. I've been there countless times and they never stop astonishing me. I'm sure they will forever remain one of my favorite holiday destinations. However, a couple of months ago I came upon this book called Kukuczka. Opowieść o nasłynniejszym polskim himalaiście. And this story just fascinated me. I finished the book in two days and started digging deeper. I searched for books about other Himalaya climbers and watched films based on mountain tragedies that really happened in the past (like Touching the Void or Everest ). Because of that personal research of mine I actually got to fully celebrate an important anniversary that took place a few days ago. On February 17th 1980 two Po

Does the Winter Even Exist Anymore?

It's undeniable that winter is not as "wintery" as it used to be. We are now almost half way into February and I still haven't seen a single snow flake! Of course there are some exceptions. I remember two years ago there were two or three weeks of really low temperatures, like minus twenty degrees. It was so freezing that the lake that's in the forest near my house was covered with really thic ice and we skated on it! So I think it's safe to say that we still can have some real winter weather during the winter, just as it's supposed to be. On the other hand however, my Mom says she remembers one winter, about thirty years ago, when in  February the temperature was over twenty degrees. She says she remembers it very vividly because it was the day when some friends from Germany arrived to my grandparents' house to pay them a visit, and my Mom went outside to greet them. And although she was only wearing a shirt she didn't feel cold! So it seems