
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2020

Let It Snow! (March Edition)

Today I'm gonna talk! Again! Yaaaay! Seems to be my favourite topic, deosn't it? I know I'm getting really boring with it but I simply have to tell you about this morning. I woke up at about 7 a. m. and saw a message from my friend saying something about winter coming in the spring time. I immediately jumped out of bed, ran to the window, pulled the curtins back was all white! For the first time this year (it's March 31st today) we saw real snow here! And a lot of it! Every time when it's snowing for the first time in a year, I'm a little kid again and I get really excited. Instead of eating breakfast first thing after getting up, as I always do, I grabbed my camera and went outside to capture this beautiful but supposedly fleeting moment.  I felt as if I had been magically transported to Narnia in the era of the White Witch. I was taking photos like crazy. Then, when my little sister finally woke up we were able to build a snow

Be Grateful!

I heard about the benefits of practicing gratitude already a while ago, but I think it has even more importance now, during the hard times that we live in.  I feel like I've always had this natural tendency to be grateful. I am a person who finds great joy in really small things, like beautiful colours of the sky or a chocolate ice-cream. And so I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw an interview with a psychologist who said that gratitude not only improves are mental well-being, but also has a major impact on our physical health. It's been proved, for example that people who intentionally look for things they can be greatful for, age better and they have significantly less wrinkles than others. Until now I've been practicing my gratitude almost unconciously, without actually thinking about it. But now I've decided I should be more intentional. I've downloaded an app called Presently that is basically a diary of gratitude. Every evening it reminds you t

Another Post about the Coronavirus Pandemic? Why not!

I've been really on the fence these past few days about wether to write here about the coronavirus pandemic that we're in the middle of right now. But I guess I don't have a choice. It's pretty much the only thing I can think about.  I don't know if I'm afraid. I would rather say that this thing that I'm feeling is not fear but just uncertainty. Here, in Poland, we still seem to have the situation under control. But nobody knows what will happen next. And because it isn't as bad here as, for example in Italy, people tend to underestimate the danger. And that's what really is dangerous.  Anyway, I'm not able to control the others and their behavoiur. But I can control myself. At least in theory, because even though my university is closed, we still have online classes and the teachers (most of them) still think their subject is the only one we attend. So I spend most of my "free" time trying to catch up with all the assignments,

Do You Really Know Your Own Name?

One of my favorite things to do is talking about names. I know it might seem like a weird hobby to have but I truly enjoy it. I'm pretty sure that the name given to us after we were born (or even before that) has an impact on our life and to some extent determines our personality. First thing to know about your name is its meaning and the language it originates from. For example my name, Jaśmina , comes from Persian and means a gift from God . Ever since I found out about that, I've been thinking every now and then what does it really mean for me and my life. I feel like I need to be a gift to others, to show them kindness, compassion and respect everywhere I go. Of course I often fail miserably at doing that, but it's my name that constantly reminds me to keep striving to be a gift. Another thing you can say about a name is wether it is very common or rather rare. A friend of mine once told me that in her opinion people with weird names are a bit weird themsel

What Am I Doing for Lent this Year?

You may or may not know this, but we're already over a week into Lent. I wrote here before that for me the best time to make resolutions is usually the early fall season. However, Lent is also a time when I feel the urge to make my life better, even in the slightest bit.  Of course it's never easy. I've failed many times and for sure will fail again in keeping my Lent resolutions. But it's really encouraging to know that a lot of other people are in it with me. It's also really important not to give up when you fall down, but to start all over again. Despite my previous failures though, I have to say, this year I've been doing pretty well so far. I decided not to take up a milion challenges at one time but instead to focus on one, specific thing.  Knowing that I spend way too much time on my phone, I didn't just throw it away at once because it was obvious that I would have picked it up again in no time. Instead, I decided to get rid of one of t