Another Post about the Coronavirus Pandemic? Why not!

I've been really on the fence these past few days about wether to write here about the coronavirus pandemic that we're in the middle of right now. But I guess I don't have a choice. It's pretty much the only thing I can think about. 

I don't know if I'm afraid. I would rather say that this thing that I'm feeling is not fear but just uncertainty. Here, in Poland, we still seem to have the situation under control. But nobody knows what will happen next. And because it isn't as bad here as, for example in Italy, people tend to underestimate the danger. And that's what really is dangerous. 

Anyway, I'm not able to control the others and their behavoiur. But I can control myself. At least in theory, because even though my university is closed, we still have online classes and the teachers (most of them) still think their subject is the only one we attend. So I spend most of my "free" time trying to catch up with all the assignments, translations and theses...This whole #stayhomeandreadbooks campaign? Forget it! The only think you will find the time to read are the articles sent by your teachers.

Ok, I'm loosing my temper a little bit. Let's talk about the positive aspects of this whole unusual (to say the least) situation. It can be REALLY frustrating not being able to go shopping whenever you want to, not being able to meet up with your friends. For us, christians, it's realy hurtful not being able to go to church and receive the holy communion. But in the midst of it all, I can't shake the feeling of being even more connected with everyone. With my friends (we all live in the same village) we have a group chat and now we talk there everyday to check how's everybody doing and just to share our thoughts and fears regarding the situation. 

As you know, we are also in the middle of Lent. During this time of the year a lot of parishes have annual spiritual retreats but under current circumstances the majority of them have been cancelled. However many priests and preachers decided to use the Internet and they're doing livestreams on YouTube almost every evening. Because of these online gatherings I know I'm not alone and we're all in this together.

Another thing I've been thinking about is the environmental apect of this pandemic. I read somewhere that for the first time in many years we're able to see China from the space because the forced seizure of transport and industry reduced the air pollution. We're buying only necessary things and we're finding out it's possible to live with only two pairs of shoes and less make-up products. I know it's really difficult for small businesses but maybe in the long run we will all benefit from that?

At the end I just want to say that I'm full of hope. I'm sure we will make it and it will all go back to normal soon. But let us really learn a lesson from the situation. 

Take care and stay healthy!


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