Do You Really Know Your Own Name?

One of my favorite things to do is talking about names. I know it might seem like a weird hobby to have but I truly enjoy it. I'm pretty sure that the name given to us after we were born (or even before that) has an impact on our life and to some extent determines our personality.

First thing to know about your name is its meaning and the language it originates from. For example my name, Jaśmina, comes from Persian and means a gift from God. Ever since I found out about that, I've been thinking every now and then what does it really mean for me and my life.

I feel like I need to be a gift to others, to show them kindness, compassion and respect everywhere I go. Of course I often fail miserably at doing that, but it's my name that constantly reminds me to keep striving to be a gift.

Another thing you can say about a name is wether it is very common or rather rare. A friend of mine once told me that in her opinion people with weird names are a bit weird themselves and I'm one of them. Honeslty, I took it as a high complement and I think she meant it as one. After all, it was Edgar Allan Poe who said that "there is no beauty without some strangeness."

Having a rare name is also a factor that draws attention to you even if in general you're a completely ordinary person. It can have both advantages and disadvantages. It happened to me many times that strangers were exceptionally kind to me just because they liked my name. On the other hand when you're at school and the teacher is about to pick someone to answer the question, your name is usually the first one that comes to their mind.

I hope you can see now how important your name can be for your life and how huge impact it can have on your own personality as well as your relations with others.

I encourage you to get to know your name a little bit better because in the process you can also find out something new about yourself or maybe even (who knows ?) find your destiny.


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