Finding Silence in Constant Noise

Do you like silence? I thought I did. At least until I've recently realized I never really allow myself to be in a situation when I'm not listening to anything. You think I'm exagerating? Let me give you some examples. 

I spend a lot of my time watching movies, videos on YouTube or binging tv series. But even when I'm not in front of my computer I constantly wear my earphones: while washing up the dishes, cleaning, doing the laundry or ironing I usually listen to podcasts or new albums released by my favourite artists.

Even when I'm in bed and about to fall asleep I like to put on an audiobook. (I prefer the ones where the voice of the lector is deep and low because then I fall asleep much faster).

Also if I go for a walk or for a bike ride, when my goal is to spend some time among nature, I put on my earphones to have "soundtrack" to the landscapes that I pass by.

This urge to constantly be listening to something may be caused by FOMO (fear of missing out). Maybe I want to stay connected to the rest of the world at all times and that's why me earphones have basically become a part of my body. 

In my opinion it can't be very healthy and I feel like I need to give myself some actual quiet time. A few days ago, right after waking up, instead of immediately checking up what's new on YouTube or Instagram I went outside and just sat on a bench for a moment, breathing in the fresh morning air and watching the sun shine through the leaves. Just these few minutes gave me peace and comfort for the rest of the day so I think it would be good if I did that more often. I hope I will have enough determination and willpower to make it a part of my everyday routine. 

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


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