A Child Bookworm

It's undeniable that I don't read as much as I used to or as much as I'd like to. I think It's also a little bit alarming that I would read more in primary school than I do now. But it's true! I was that kid who would hide under the blankets late at night with a torch in one hand and a fascinating book in the other. (My mum would get mad at me for doing that but at least I wasn't staying up late to play video games, right?). 

Now, that I think about that time, I feel like reading was similar to breathing for me. I just couldn't stop doing it even if I'd wanted to. As soon as I finished one book I would pick up another one from my shelf or run to my local library which, by the way, is still one of my favourite places on Earth. I love libraries in general because they're so cozy and calm and quiet. You feel like you need to show some respect surrounded by the Literature. (In fact, my dream job has always been to become a librarian so I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, at this faculty but never mind).

I was very eager to read on my own, but our primary school teacher, who was just brilliant, she would also encourage us to read a lot. Every one of us had to keep a so called "Notebook of The Books I've Read." For each book we had to write a short summary and draw a picture of our favaourite character or our favourite scene. At the end of each month the teacher would collect the notebooks and we would talk about what we enjoyed about the books that we read. 

I am very, very sentimental about my favourite childhood books. Among them are without any doubt the whole series of Anne of Green Gables - my kindred spirit and all the adventures of Tomek Wilmowski written by Alfred Szklarski. (I'm pretty sure I've read every book of the series at least four times). As a child I was also very into the fantasy genre so of course Harry Potter had a huge impact on me at that time and I still consider myself a "potterhead". And I can't forget about, what I think is one of the best children books ever written: The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. Our dad would read it to us as a bed time story every night for several months until he read all seven parts.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I really wish I read more now. But I find it very difficult with all these distractions that surround us today. I'm sure you can relate. Despite that I'm determined to make an effort and try to find again this child bookworm that, I know, is still somewhere inside of me. 

source: pinterest.com


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