My Only New Year's Resolution

Do you cultivate the habit of making New Year's resolutions? I'm sure that even if you don't do it now, there must have been at least one year when you thought it was a good idea. I know because I've been there too. The beginning of the new year seems the perfect time to finally change your life for better, to start jogging, going to the gym or reading at least one chapter of a book a day. But here's the shocking news: this period is actually one of the worst moments for taking up new activities. We are all sluggish and sleepy after the Chistmas and the New Year's Eve. It's all a little bit overwhelming and we need some time to process the fact that one more year of our life has passed. 

I read somewhere that actually the best time to make resolutions is the beginning of autumn - yet another reason to love this beautiful season! In Semptember and October our brain is rested and recharged after the summer, we are ready to undertake new challenges and make significant changes in our everyday routine. 

I tried that and it really works, at least for me. So my only resolution at the beginning of this new year is to make no resolutions at all. I also encourage you to try to do the same. Now give yourselves some rest, take a deep breath and don't let the world tell you that you have to speed up right now. You have yet a few months to think about what you'd like to change in your life and when the autumn comes you will have all the strength and power you need to make that change.


  1. I agree! Autumn is the best time for introducing new ideas and making changes. And it's so funny to see all those crowds of January newcomers appear at the gym, and then to see them vanish in a few weeks ;)


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